Blanket Disable Command

swiftlint:disable commands should use next, this or previous to disable rules for a single line, or swiftlint:enable to re-enable the rules immediately after the violations to be ignored, instead of disabling the rule for the rest of the file.

  • Identifier: blanket_disable_command
  • Enabled by default: Yes
  • Supports autocorrection: No
  • Kind: lint
  • Analyzer rule: No
  • Minimum Swift compiler version: 5.0.0
  • Default configuration:
    severity warning
    allowed_rules [“file_header”, “file_length”, “file_name”, “file_name_no_space”, “single_test_class”]
    always_blanket_disable []


The intent of this rule is to prevent code like

// swiftlint:disable force_unwrapping
let foo = bar!

which disables the force_unwrapping rule for the remainder of the file, instead of just for the specific violation.

next, this, or previous can be used to restrict the disable command’s scope to a single line, or it can be re-enabled after the violations.

To disable this rule in code you will need to do something like

// swiftlint:disable:next blanket_disable_command
// swiftlint:disable force_unwrapping

Non Triggering Examples

// swiftlint:disable unused_import
// swiftlint:enable unused_import
// swiftlint:disable unused_import unused_declaration
// swiftlint:enable unused_import
// swiftlint:enable unused_declaration
// swiftlint:disable:this unused_import
// swiftlint:disable:next unused_import
// swiftlint:disable:previous unused_import

Triggering Examples

// swiftlint:disable ↓unused_import
// swiftlint:disable unused_import ↓unused_declaration
// swiftlint:enable unused_import
// swiftlint:disable unused_import
// swiftlint:disable ↓unused_import
// swiftlint:enable unused_import
// swiftlint:enable ↓unused_import
// swiftlint:disable all