Unneeded Overridden Functions
Remove overridden functions that don’t do anything except call their super
- Identifier:
- Enabled by default: Yes
- Supports autocorrection: Yes
- Kind: lint
- Analyzer rule: No
- Minimum Swift compiler version: 5.0.0
- Default configuration:
Key Value severity warning affect_initializers false
Non Triggering Examples
class Foo {
override func bar() {
class Foo {
@available(*, unavailable)
override func bar() {
class Foo {
@objc override func bar() {
class Foo {
override func bar() {
class Foo {
override func bar() throws {
// Doing a different variation of 'try' changes behavior
try! super.bar()
class Foo {
override func bar() throws {
// Doing a different variation of 'try' changes behavior
try? super.bar()
class Foo {
override func bar() async throws {
// Doing a different variation of 'try' changes behavior
await try! super.bar()
class Foo {
override func bar(arg: Bool) {
// Flipping the argument changes behavior
super.bar(arg: !arg)
class Foo {
override func bar(_ arg: Int) {
// Changing the argument changes behavior
super.bar(arg + 1)
class Foo {
override func bar(arg: Int) {
// Changing the argument changes behavior
super.bar(arg: arg.var)
class Foo {
override func bar(_ arg: Int) {
// Not passing arguments because they have default values changes behavior
class Foo {
override func bar(arg: Int, _ arg3: Bool) {
// Calling a super function with different argument labels changes behavior
super.bar(arg2: arg, arg3: arg3)
class Foo {
override func bar(animated: Bool, completion: () -> Void) {
super.bar(animated: animated) {
// This likely changes behavior
class Foo {
override func bar(animated: Bool, completion: () -> Void) {
super.bar(animated: animated, completion: {
// This likely changes behavior
class Baz: Foo {
// A default argument might be a change
override func bar(value: String = "Hello") {
super.bar(value: value)
class C {
override func foo() {
super.foo {}
override func bar(_ c: () -> Void) {
super.bar {}
override func baz(_ c: () -> Void) {
override func qux(c: () -> Void) {
super.qux(c: {})
Triggering Examples
class Foo {
↓override func bar() {
class Foo {
↓override func bar() {
return super.bar()
class Foo {
↓override func bar() {
// comments don't affect this
class Foo {
↓override func bar() async {
await super.bar()
class Foo {
↓override func bar() throws {
try super.bar()
// comments don't affect this
class Foo {
↓override func bar(arg: Bool) throws {
try super.bar(arg: arg)
class Foo {
↓override func bar(animated: Bool, completion: () -> Void) {
super.bar(animated: animated, completion: completion)