Unused Closure Parameter

Unused parameter in a closure should be replaced with _

  • Identifier: unused_closure_parameter
  • Enabled by default: Yes
  • Supports autocorrection: Yes
  • Kind: lint
  • Analyzer rule: No
  • Minimum Swift compiler version: 5.0.0
  • Default configuration:
    severity warning

Non Triggering Examples

[1, 2].map { $0 + 1 }
[1, 2].map({ $0 + 1 })
[1, 2].map { number in
 number + 1 
[1, 2].map { _ in
[1, 2].something { number, idx in
 return number * idx
let isEmpty = [1, 2].isEmpty()
violations.sorted(by: { lhs, rhs in 
 return lhs.location > rhs.location
rlmConfiguration.migrationBlock.map { rlmMigration in
    return { migration, schemaVersion in
        rlmMigration(migration.rlmMigration, schemaVersion)
genericsFunc { (a: Type, b) in
    a + b
var label: UILabel = { (lbl: UILabel) -> UILabel in
    lbl.backgroundColor = .red
    return lbl
hoge(arg: num) { num in
    return num
({ (manager: FileManager) in
withPostSideEffect { input in
    if true { print("\(input)") }
viewModel?.profileImage.didSet(weak: self) { (self, profileImage) in
    self.profileImageView.image = profileImage
let failure: Failure = { task, error in
    observer.sendFailed(error, task)
List($names) { $name in
List($names) { $name in
_ = ["a"].filter { `class` in `class`.hasPrefix("a") }
let closure: (Int) -> Void = { `foo` in _ = foo }
let closure: (Int) -> Void = { foo in _ = `foo` }

Triggering Examples

[1, 2].map { number in
 return 3 }
[1, 2].map { number in
 return numberWithSuffix }
[1, 2].map { number in
 return 3 // number }
[1, 2].map { number in
 return 3 "number" }
[1, 2].something { number, idx in
 return number }
genericsFunc { (number: TypeA, idx: TypeB) in return idx }
let c: (Int) -> Void = { foo in _ = .foo }
hoge(arg: num) { num in
fooFunc {  in }
func foo () {
 bar { number in return 3 }
viewModel?.profileImage.didSet(weak: self) { (self, profileImage) in
    profileImageView.image = profileImage
let failure: Failure = { task, error in
List($names) { $name in
let class1 = "a"
_ = ["a"].filter { `class` in `class1`.hasPrefix("a") }