Unused Parameter
Other than unused local variable declarations, unused function/initializer/subscript parameters are not marked by the Swift compiler. Since unused parameters are code smells, they should either be removed or replaced/shadowed by a wildcard ‘_’ to indicate that they are being deliberately disregarded.
- Identifier:
- Enabled by default: No
- Supports autocorrection: Yes
- Kind: lint
- Analyzer rule: No
- Minimum Swift compiler version: 5.0.0
- Default configuration:
Key Value severity warning
Non Triggering Examples
func f(a: Int) {
_ = a
func f(case: Int) {
_ = `case`
func f(a _: Int) {}
func f(_: Int) {}
func f(a: Int, b c: String) {
func g() {
_ = a
_ = c
func f(a: Int, c: Int) -> Int {
struct S {
let b = 1
func f(a: Int, b: Int = 2) -> Int { a + b }
return a + c
func f(a: Int?) {
if let a {}
func f(a: Int) {
let a = a
return a
func f(`operator`: Int) -> Int { `operator` }
Triggering Examples
func f(↓a: Int) {}
func f(↓a: Int, b ↓c: String) {}
func f(↓a: Int, b ↓c: String) {
func g(a: Int, ↓b: Double) {
_ = a
struct S {
let a: Int
init(a: Int, ↓b: Int) {
func f(↓a: Int, b: Int) -> Int { b }
self.a = f(a: a, b: 0)
struct S {
subscript(a: Int, ↓b: Int) {
func f(↓a: Int, b: Int) -> Int { b }
return f(a: a, b: 0)
func f(↓a: Int, ↓b: Int, c: Int) -> Int {
struct S {
let b = 1
func f(a: Int, ↓c: Int = 2) -> Int { a + b }
return S().f(a: c)
func f(↓a: Int, c: String) {
let a = 1
return a + c