Yoda Condition
The constant literal should be placed on the right-hand side of the comparison operator
- Identifier:
- Enabled by default: No
- Supports autocorrection: No
- Kind: lint
- Analyzer rule: No
- Minimum Swift compiler version: 5.0.0
- Default configuration:
Key Value severity warning
Non Triggering Examples
if foo == 42 {}
if foo <= 42.42 {}
guard foo >= 42 else { return }
guard foo != "str str" else { return }
while foo < 10 { }
while foo > 1 { }
while foo + 1 == 2 {}
if optionalValue?.property ?? 0 == 2 {}
if foo == nil {}
if flags & 1 == 1 {}
Triggering Examples
if ↓42 == foo {}
if ↓42.42 >= foo {}
guard ↓42 <= foo else { return }
guard ↓"str str" != foo else { return }
while ↓10 > foo { }
while ↓1 < foo { }
if ↓nil == foo {}
while ↓1 > i + 5 {}
if ↓200 <= i && i <= 299 || ↓600 <= i {}